Martin Berchtold

address: Telecooperation Office (TecO)
University of Karlsruhe
Vincent-Priessnitz-Strasse 3
76131 KarlsruheGermany
fon: +49 721 464704-12
fax: +49 721 96634187

Since April 2009 I work at the "Distributed and Ubiquitous Systems (DUS)" group of the "Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks" at the Technical University of Braunschweig. My page there is Martin Berchtold at DUS. Since my professor (Prof. Dr. Michael Beigl) moved from Braunschweig back to Karlsruhe and is now head of the new Pervasive Computing Chair, I partially work in Karlsruhe (3/4 of the time), too.

My former work at TecO was on the LoCostix project which is financed through BMBF. The aim of this project was the item level taging of goods with low-cost RFID-Tags. The development of an efficient mobile reading of the RFID-Tags in shelfs (solving the inventory problem) was my aim in the LoCostix project. Secondly, I was shortly (half a year) working in the BMBF financed project Landmarke

As a student research assistant I programmed the MemoClipII software for PocketPC 2002 and PalmOS. The MemoClipII is a handheld scheduler application which schedules events time and location sensitiv.

Incooperation with my Studienarbeit and a visit at University of Lancaster I did some work in the CSTK projekt. The CSTK (SourceForge) is a resource efficient toolkit for realtime sensor data processing and visualization.

Short Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests








Event Organization


Student Work and Technical Reports

Work of Students