Dr. Jochen Haller
Senior Researcher
SAP Research
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 1
D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Email: jochen.haller(at)sap.com
Biography and Research Interests:
Jochen Haller studied Technical Mathematics with electrical engineering as a
minor at the University of Karlsruhe. Having finished the studies in 2001,
he started working on topics of mobile application security for SAP research
in Karlsruhe. The work was conducted in the EU funded FP5 project "WiTness''.
Afterwards, his reasearch focus shifted towards security for business
processes, especially considering so-called "soft'' security like trust and
reputation management. Jochen Haller researched those topics within the
integrated FP6 project "TrustCom".
Until April 2009, he pursued a PhD thesid as an external PhD student at the
Institute of Information Systems
and Management. His PhD topic aims at integrating a stochastic trust
management approach into a reputation system for Virtual Organisations. This
approach roots trust in measurable and observable indicators, inherently
characterising an organisation. Furtheron, Bayes and Decision Networks
aggregate trust measures towards reputation.
The PhD studies, by now successfully finished,
culminated in design, prototypical implementation and multi-agent simulation
based evaluation of the STORE (STOchastic REputation) system.
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