The Newton Webbrowser PocketWeb

All information about PocketWeb, the first webbrowser for a palmtop device at all, you can find at the realm of TecOs PDA-group.

There you also can get an idea about other Newton related projects i've initiated and managed:

A paper published in 1994 got a 'selected paper' award at the second WWW Conference in Chicago, of course it does not reflect the latest developments for PocketWeb, done by Markus Lauff. But it offers an interesting glance of the very beginning of the project.


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Quite funny: I've found the very first 'official' press announcement of the webbrowser:

Successfull Cooperation between Digital CEC Karlsruhe and
Telecooperation Office (University of Karlsruhe), Germany

In cooperation with Digital CEC Karlsruhe the Telecooperation Office at the University of Karlsruhe carries out a project researching information retrieval by mobile hand-held devices.

In this context the impacts of PDA (Personal Digital Assistants) architecture (e.g. limited storage capabilities, small display) on the usability of these devices to act as WWW browsers are investigated.

As a result of these activities, a WWW browser system for the Apple Newton PDA is under developement. The system is realized as a distributed client. User interaction and presenting functions are hosted on the Apple Newton, a Digital alpha AXP workstation running OSF1 is providing data preprocessing and a gateway to the web.

The connectivity between the PDA and the alpha workstation is achieved via telephone line and a proprietary data exchange protocol. For this users are able to access the Web whereever a phoneline is available. Surfing through the Web is no longer restricteted to stationary hosts.

First demonstration of the PDA-Alpha WWW browser system took place at the 13th IFIP World Computer Congress in Hamburg/Germany in August. Plenty of visitors, from research as well as from industry, were keen on this tool. There was high interest on the project at a presentation at the 2nd World Wide Web Conference in Chicago. A large number of inquiries from several companies and institutes from all over the world expressing their interest in the project arrive day by day. It has been mentioned in several publications.

The first beta version to be published is announced for December. It'll provide textual data presentation as well as image display or searchable index handling. Moreover users are able to store the information in the build in notebook, to print it or redistribute it by mail or by fax.

With this project the succesfull cooperation between Digital's CEC Karlsruhe and the Telecooperation Office (TecO) got another sequel. The Telecooperation Office was founded in 1993 as joint initiative of the University of Karlsruhe and Digital's CEC Karlsruhe. TecO investigates software technology for cooperative work, multimodal interface technology, mobile computing and multimedia integrated application and communication. The Telecooperation Office realizes a number of projects jointly with industrial partners, e.g., Digital Equipment and German PTT. The CEC Karlsruhe is Digital's center for applied research and advanced development in Germany. Work centers around multi media teleservices, both high- and low-bandwith networks based on ATM and Euro-ISDN, mobile computing and workflow, and distributed object-oriented application development. The CEC Karlsruhe is actively working with strategic customers and academic partners on innovative technologies and solutions.


Stefan Gessler
Telecooperation Office (TecO)
University of Karlsruhe
Postfach 6980
76128 Karlsruhe, Germany

Dr. Lutz Heuser
CEC Karlsruhe
Digital Equipment GmbH
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 1
76131 Karlsruhe