The official information web page for the Multimedia Mail Teleservice
(MMM) at DeTeBerkom seems to be
currently unavailable (at the beginning of 1997).
I hope, you're more lucky right now.
If not, GMD-Fokus has some web
pages as well. More informations are available from Digital CEC Karlsruhe.
back to my homepage
Perhaps you want to look for some publications
(links are not valid, i did not get correct ones from GMD-Fokus)?
Moeller, E.; Scheller, A.; Schürmann, G.,
Der Multimedia Mail Teledienst,
published in
Effelsberg, W.; Rothermel, K. (Eds.), FOKUS - Praxis Information und
Kommunikation, Band 5: Verteilte Multimedia-Systeme,
GI/ITG-Arbeitstreffen, Stuttgart (D), 18. - 19. Februar 1993, Saur-Verlag,
München (D), pp. 206 - 226, ISBN: 3-598-22407-9.
Hofrichter, K.; Moeller, E.; Scheller, A.; Schürmann, G.,
The BERKOM Multimedia-Mail Teleservice
published in
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing
Lisbon (P), 22. - 24. September 1993, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los
Alamitos, California, 1993, pp. 23 - 30.
Schürmann, G.,
The Challenges of Multimedia Electronic Mail,
published in
Course Notes of the Dagstuhl Multimedia Seminar, Fundamentals and
Perspectives of Multimedia Systems,
International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science,
Schloß Dagstuhl, 04. - 08. Juli 1994.
Szymanski, M.; Hoepner, P.; Baveco, M.,
Multimedia Mail Services,
published in
Proceedings of the 5th International IFIP Conference On High Performance
Networking (HPN'94), Grenoble (F), 27. Juni - 01. Juli 1994.
Hoepner, P.; Szymanski, M.; Baveco, M.,
MMMS - A Multimedia Mail Service Prototype
published in
O. Spaniol, W. Bauerfeld, F. Williams (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third
International Conference on Broadband Islands,
Hamburg (D), 07. - 09. Juni 1994, North-Holland, Amsterdam (NL), 1994, pp.
125 - 136.
Thimm, H.; Röhr, K.; Rakow, T. C.,
A Mail-Based Teleservice Architecture for Archiving and Retrieving
Dynamically Composable Multimedia Documents,
published in
Hutchison, D.; Danthine, A.; Leopold, H.; Coulson, G. (Eds.), Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 882, Multimedia Transport and Teleservices,
International COST 237 Workshop, Wien (A), 14. - 15. November 1994, Springer
Verlag, Berlin (D).
Moeller, E.; Manandhar, S.; Neumann, L.; Rückert, J.; Schürmann,
G.; Thomas, S.; Wolf, F.,
The BERKOM Multimedia-Mail Teleservice
published in
Computer Communications, Vol. 18, No. 2, Butterworth-Heinemann,
Oxford (GB), pp. 89 - 102, ISSN: 0140-3664, Februar 1995.
Pusch, H.,
Design and Implementation of a Global Reference Mechanism for Arbitrary Data
published in
Berg, J. L.; Schumny, H. (Eds.), Computer Standards & Interfaces Vol. 17,
No. 1, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North-Holland, Amsterdam (NL),
pp. 181-192, ISSN: 0920-5489, 1995.
Moeller, E.; Scheller, A.; Schürmann, G.,
Der Multimedia Mail Teledienst,
published in
PIK-Praxis Informationen und Kommunikation, Heft 3/93, Saur-Verlag,
München (D), pp. 134 - 139, 1993.