Call for Participation

Call for Participation
This workshop will be a series of specialist-prepared talks on identified themes in security and ubiquitous computing, followed by moderated discussion and brainstorming. The conclusion will feature a panel seeking to summarize and bring together the
topics discussed, as well as plans for publication of workshop results. We therefore invite submission of position papers
(1000 - 1500 words) outlining research interests and experience, or extended abstracts
(1000 - 1500 words) of referenced or ongoing original work, to be reviewed, addressing
(but not limited to) the themes below:
- Augmenting a Security-Minded World: A discussion of social and economic issues resultant from the introduction of augmented reality technologies to a society with security on its agenda. An idea of the new security threats and "novel tools of the attacker" should also emerge from this discussion..
- Definitions, Requirements and Models for Authentication, Trust, Authorization and Access Control in Ubiquitous Computing
Environments. A technically-oriented discussion addressing the leveraging of so-called classical security concepts to the ubiquitous computing world. This discussion seeks to understand what is new regarding authentication, trust, authorization and access control, with the
possibility for highlighting solutions satisfying the requirements determined.
- Striking the balance between Intrusive, Explicit Security and Invisible, Implicit
Computing. This topic is expected to be addressed by active researchers in novel security mechanisms as well as with an expressed interest in HCI (Human-Computer Interaction).
- Security and Context-Awareness: Discussion along this line should lead to conclusions regarding answers to the questions of "what does the availability of context information mean to security and what does security mean to the availability of context information?"
- Ubiquitous Computing Security from an
Administrative Perspective. Managerial matters in Ubiquitous Computing Security from the perspective of Wide-Area Network Operators, Application Service Providers, and Network Administrators. What are the foreseen service access, accounting and auditing infrastructures for truly ubiquitous and invisible computing environments?
Important Dates
- Deadline for Submissions: August 10, 2002
- Notification of Acceptance: August 25, 2002
- Suggested Registration Deadline: August 30, 2002
- Workshop Date: Sunday September 29, 2002
Workshop Chairs
Refik Molva, Institut Eurécom
Joachim Posegga, SAP
Corporate Research
Philip Robinson, Tele-Cooperation
Office (TecO)
Submission Details
All documents should be submitted in either Adobe Acrobat or Word
Format, preferably using Times Roman with a 10pt font size. Submissions
should be between 1000 - 1500 words. Please submit by email to this
address: philip@teco.edu, with
Subject: "UBICOMP2002 Security Workshop".
The results of the conference must be presented to the entire
conference participants but we will discuss this further.
For more details please contact:
Philip Robinson, email: philip@teco.edu