Call for Participation

UBICOMP2002 - Workshop on Security in Ubiquitous Computing
29 September 2002
9:00 – 9:15: Introduction of Workshop (Joachim Posegga)
9:15 – 10:30: Trust in UbiComp Environments (Moderator: Refik Molva)
- Dynamic Trust Models for Ubiquitous Computing (Colin English, PaddyNixon): presentation
| paper
- On Trust for Ubiquitous Computing (Narender
Shankar, William Arbaugh): paper
- Secure Ubiquitous Computing based on Entity Recognition (Jean-Marc
Seigneur): presentation | paper
10:30 – 11:00: Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:15: User-centric Security (Moderator: Philip Robinson)
- Integrating Privacy Enhancing Services in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (Moamo Wu, Adrian
Friday): presentation | paper
- Authentication in Ubiquitous Computing (Laurent Bussard, Yves Roudier): presentation
| paper
- Identity Management (Michael Kreutzer): presentation
| paper | demo
12:15 – 2:00: LUNCH
2:00 – 3:15: Security and Context –Awareness (Moderator: Joachim Posegga)
- Enabling Secure Ad-hoc Communication using Context-Aware Security Services (Narendar
Shankar, Dirk Bilfanz): paper
- Context Aware and Yet Another Service AYA (Hiromitso Kato): presentation
| paper
- Protecting People Location Information (Urs Hengartner, Peter Steenkiste):
presentation | paper
3:15 – 3:45: Coffee Break
3:45 – 4:35: Augmenting Security-Minded Worlds (Moderator: Refik Molva)
- Secure Media Consumption in a Ubicomp World (Stephanie Wald): presentation
| paper
- "Threats, Risk Assessment and Policy Management in UbiComp"
(Philip Robinson): presentation
- {Thanks to Håkan Kvarnström et al, "A Protection Scheme For Security Policies In
Ubiquitous Environments Using One-Way Functions" in absentism}: paper
4:35 – 5:00: Closing Discussion and Summary: presentation