May 11th, 2012 | Published in Research
AwareCon is an approach for communicating in context aware environments and the network stack for the Particle Computers. AwareCon goes beyond traditional network approaches by using sensed context information from the environment to adjust parameters inside the network stack and by optimising the transfer of context information inside Ubiquitous Computing environments. It is therefore both context aware because it uses context information (from own sensors or by being informed from other devices in the environment) to gain performance (in terms of latency, power consumption, real-time behaviour) and it is context aware because it transferees context information. AwareCon consists of two main layers: A lower layer dealing with performance optimised transfer and a higher layer (ConCom) dealing with context information transfer and context description ontology. AwareCon is the network stack used for all pPart Particle Computers.
Selected Publications
Research Topics:
Network and communication (all layers), Context aware systems
Application and economic dissemination:
Implemented in AwareCon for Particle Computer GmbH