Handreichung für externe Abschlussarbeiten / Procedures for Final Project and Thesis
- Forward the following information to the staff member that offered the topic you are interested in. If in doubt, contact Dr. Tobias Röddiger (roeddiger@teco.edu):
- Your Name
- Student Number (Matrikelnummer)
- TECO Advisor’s Name
- External Advisor’s Name
- Your Email Address
- Degree Course (Studiengang) and Year of Exam Regulation (Prüfungsordnung)
- Thesis Type (Master, Bachelor)
- Working Title of Thesis
- Start Date
- End Date
- Form for Approving External Project & Project Description (via email to sekretariat@teco.edu)
- Negotiate a date to visit the secretary via email with Melissa Alpman (sekretariat@teco.edu). You must sign up within one month of the official start date of your thesis.
- Follow the TECO Thesis Template: http://www.teco.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/TECO_thesis_English.zip to write your thesis. Ensure the information on the first page is correct.
- BEFORE the end date, submit the thesis both in paper and electronically as follows
- The printed and electronic version of the thesis needs to be handed in latest before the official end date has
passed, otherwise it is unsuccessful (5.0) - The student provides 2 printed (and bonded, preferably by glue bond) copies to the secretary (one for the sec-
ondary reviewer, one for the advisor/archiving).
All code/data should be published (e.g. on GitHub, etc.), if possible, by the student; if necessary with support of
the advisor. The online and printed document should link this in the references- The license should be chosen such as to allow further work by others and open access (e.g. MIT)
- Non-public parts should be included in the annex in a digital format (CD, USB-drive, etc.) with all thesis data and the document file and handed in with the printed thesis.
- The student submits an electronic version of the thesis to the Uni-Bib (https://www.bibliothek.kit.edu/cms/open-access.php) and to the advisor at TECO
- Please ensure the meta-data is correctly inserted in the document and it shows properly on search engines such as Google
- The printed and electronic version of the thesis needs to be handed in latest before the official end date has
- When everything above is done correctly: The secretary marks the thesis as completed. Otherwise the student will not be able to finish his course of studies and will not receive a bachelor/master degree certificate.
Once all requirements are met, the secretary will mark the thesis as completed. Failure to follow these steps may result in the student being unable to complete their degree.
Contact Information:
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
TecO – Pervasive Computing Systems
Head: Prof. Dr. Michael Beigl
Vincenz-Prießnitz-Str. 1, Bld. 07.07, Room 209
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: +49 721-608-4-1701
Fax: +49 721-608-4-1702
Email: sekretariat@teco.edu