Research - Demos
TECO Wearable Framework (TWS)

TECO Wearable Framework The TECO Wearable Framework is a collection of electronic modules components, materials, embedded software as well as applications for User Interfaces and Data Analytics that is used in our research projects. The framework assembles work from students as well as PhDs over the past 20 years. Parts of the Framework are Haptic more…

Future power grids are constructed to cope with sudden but irregular increases in supplied energy from wind or solar farms. Therefore, the electricity market is affected by further dynamism, complexity, and operational circumstances. The research project VDAR is studying new regulation concepts to decouple the economic system of the electricity market and the physical system more…
Predictive Maintenance – Machine Health Demo

Structural Health Monitoring is the process of analyzing vibrations of a machine in operation to recognize anomalies early and predict outages. To apply this method, a model of the machine to be monitored is necessary – at least in normal operation, preferably vibration characteristics over its whole lifespan. Additionally, it must be feasible to monitor more…
Analytics Demo

Servicing the factory of the future raises challenges for service teams and organizations. The industrial plant environment is changing rapidly due to new technologies such as the Internet of Things or intelligent automation Devices, both capable of producing large amounts of exploitable data. This demo presents how the on-site handling of data can be assisted more…

PocketWeb is the first mobile web browser. It was developed for the Apple Newton MessagePad in 1994 by TECO and presented for the first time at the 1994 WWW2 Conference in Chicago. The corresponding paper won the conference’s Best Paper Award. Mobile end-user devices at the time had only limited resources which made software development more…
Point And Control

With the increasing number of controllable devices in Smart Homes also comes an abundance of different remotes for each distinct system. The aim of Point And Control is to decrease the number of remotes needed to manage all systems by utilizing a users’ smartphone while implementing a simple selection method. Already available universal remote controls more…
Audio LED lamp

This demo illustrates the visualization of the ambient volume level through a colored LEDs in a floor lamp. Fitted with an Arduino Micro and a small condenser microphone, the lamp picks up ambient sound and displays the volume level by turning on more LEDs in a louder environment which forms a rising light effect.

The VibrationCap is a beanie cap with 19 integrated ERM-type vibration motors which can be controlled individually through a Bluetooth Low Energy connection. It was built to study the vibrotactile sensitivity of the human head. The use-cases for such vibration wearables are ranging from navigational aid and use as a study tool all the way more…

RüttelFlug is a sensory augmentation wearable for paragliders. The intelligent wristband measures vertical speed of the pilot and converts it into intuitively differentiable vibration patterns. As tactile perception is used for information transmission, the pilot can use his other senses, such as the eyes and ears, for experiencing flying. The key to flying more…

The bPart is a sensor node with Bluetooth Low Energy (BT LE) radio and several off the shelf MEMS sensors, all highly integrated in a volume of less than 1cm³. Aside from the BT transceiver, the bPart features a light sensor, 3-axis accelerometer, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, battery, processing unit and a multicolor RGB-led for more…
AR Sensors

Servicing the factory of the future raises challenges for the service teams and organizations. The industrial plant environment is changing rapidly due to the impact of the market and new autonomously operating information technologies such as on site information and communication services, an Internet of Things (IoT), smart sensors and intelligent automation devices as well more…
TECO Envboard

The TECO Envboard is an environmental sensing platform for research and development purposes. It carries a variety of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) sensors, ranging from accelerometers over weather sensors like temperature, humidity and barometric pressure to sensors for gas concentrations and particulate matter. The Envboard is intended to be generically suitable for various application scenarios. more…

Aletheia was a leading innovation project, sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, that aims at obtaining comprehensive access to product information through the use of semantic technologies. TECO researches in federating information from heterogeneous device such as sensor nodes and RFID tags. Together with ABB we work on platform independent solutions for more…

uParts are tiny little sensor network nodes that are very easy to deploy and run a 0-administration and low configuration (or 0-configuration when used with default) approach. The projects researches how to reach minimum deployment and maintenance costs of a sensor network and includes research on long lifetime hardware, 0-maintanance communication protocols, lower production costs more…

Particle Computer is an enabling platform for various scenarios related to Ubicomp. Particles are tiny wireless nodes where a huge variety of sensors can be attached. Further, the fully programmable micro controller accompanied by powerful libraries let novices as well as professionals implement applications in the fields of sensor networks, human-computer interaction, supply-chain management and more…

The objective of the research project Polytos is to develop printed organic circuits with integrated sensors capable of recording data such as temperature, humidity or light exposure. The deployment of these types of printed organic circuits for item-level-tagging in logistics or supply chain scenarios could be used as organic printed smart labels in the future. more…

The dinam concept is a novel approach to simplified rapid development of wireless sensor network applications as well as an according WSN platform. As opposed to the traditional mote- based development archetype, dinam proposes combining the development steps into a single continuous, fluid process that is completely integrated into the node. The dinam concept sensor more…

The goal of RELATE is to research in spatial relationships between tangible objects that together form an interface both in P2P location hardware, software (recognition, protocols, applications) and user applications. One goal of the project is to develop generic building blocks for a lightweight short range (room size) location system that does NOT require infrastructure, more…

The MediaCup is an ordinary coffee cup augmented with sensing, processing and communication capabilities (integrated in the cup’s bottom), to collect and communicate general context information in a given environment. It is an example how to equip everyday objects with computing and communication capabilities. With the MediaCup setup (consisting of several cups and other equipment) more…

The Smart-Its project is interested in a far-reaching vision of computation embedded in the world. In this vision, mundane everyday artefacts become augmented as soft media, able to enter into dynamic digital relationships. In our project, we approach this vision with development of “Smart-Its” – small-scale embedded devices that can be attached to everyday objects more…

The eSeal concept researches how to extend the concept of seals to general objects using Ubiquitous Computing technology. It identifies which additional threads can be detected using an electronic seal an implements several prototype seals. A major implementation path of eSeal was the DigiClip. The DigiClip system allows the tracking, synchronization and and integrity control more…