Welcome to the Ubiquitous Computing Lecture WS 24/25 (5 ECTS, 2+1SWS, , Di. 11:30 – 13:00;  Mi 8:10 – 9:30, building 07.07, room 222, Vincenz-Prießnitz-Str.1, 2nd floor)



The lecture series on Ubiquitous Computing begins with an introduction to the field (L01), covering fundamental paradigms, concepts, and historical context (L02) to establish a foundation. Following this, we explore design and technology trends (L03), emphasizing Design Thinking as a core method for developing ubiquitous computing systems. Practical skills are developed early on through paper prototyping exercises (E01), allowing students to conceptualize and visualize appliance designs. The course then covers Appliances and Wearables (L04), focusing on specialized applications within ubiquitous computing, and introduces fabrication techniques (L05), which are reinforced in an exercise on 3D printing and laser cutting (E02). This hands-on experience allows students to engage directly with fabrication processes. The lecture then advances to sensors (L06), exploring how they enable interaction in ubiquitous systems, followed by an Arduino exercise (E03) to build a foundation in microcontroller-based prototyping. We continue with PCB design (L07) to deepen understanding of the hardware foundations, supported by an exercise on Electronic Design Automation (EDA) and soldering (E04) for practical experience in electronic assembly. With these foundations, the course introduces Applied Machine Learning (L08), discussing how ML techniques are integrated into ubiquitous systems, followed by an edge-ML exercise (E05) that gives students hands-on experience with machine learning on resource-constrained devices. This prepares students for understanding the application of ML in real-time environments. The series also addresses Health Technologies (L09) and Studies in Ubiquitous Computing (L10). This lecture is followed by a hands-on exercise on evaluating ubiquitous systems (E06). The course culminates with lectures on Startup and Business Planning (L11), guiding students on the entrepreneurial aspects of Ubiquitous Computing, and a Guest Lecture (L12) from industry, offering insights into real-world applications and industry standards.


  • Lecture: Tuesday, 11:30 – 13:00, building 07.07, 2nd floor, Room 222
  • Exercise: Wednesday, 8:10-9:30, building 07.07, 2nd floor, Room 222 (please check slides in Ilias for the exact dates)
  • The lectures and exercises are not streamed or recorded!

Multiple exercises teach you basic practical skills to develop Ubicomp systems. The exercise concludes with a final project in which you are asked to develop your own information appliance. The results of the exercise are also part of the exam.

The exam will be conducted orally. A part of the exam includes the demonstration of the exercise results. Following this, exam questions will be asked about the practical work as well as the theoretical content. Exam registration is done through the Campus System. Registration opens at the end of the year. Please note: First come, first served. Exam dates are generally scheduled promptly (unless Prof. Beigl is traveling).

The information below is outdated and we are in the process of revising it.

Part of the links can only be accessed with the KIT network. Please use a VPN.

Literatur für das erste Kapitel: Introduction (*)= Pflicht, Rest weiterführende Literatur
  • (*) Vorlesungsfolien Introduction
Literatur für das zweite Kapitel: Fundamentals. (*)=Pflicht, Rest weiterführende Literatur
Literatur für das dritte Kapitel: Technology (*)=Pflicht, Rest weiterführende Literatur
Literatur für das vierte Kapitel: Implementierung (*)=Pflicht, Rest weiterführende Literatur
Inspiration für die Information Appliance
  • Gegenstand ist neben den theoretischen Teilen die  App, die HCI sowie die Übungen
  • Anhand ihrer Appliance / Ergebnisse werden Verständnisfragen gestellt
  • Natürlich werde ich auch Anknüpfungen an den Stoff finden bzw. Fragen stellen, die Sie nur aufgrund des Stoffes beantworten können
  • Untenstehend finden sich Hinweise zur Durchführung der Prüfung während Corona
  • Beachten Sie: Inhalt der Vorlesung ist auch Kreativtechniken. Wenn Sie sich nicht an die Regeln halten und schon zu Beginn an “ihre” Appliance die sie schon immer bauen wollten einfach bauen, führt das zu Notenabzug
Gute allgemeine Literatur
  • Don Norman, The Design of Everyday Things
  • John Krumm, Ubiquitous Computing Essential
  • Dan Saffer, Designing for Interaction

Innerhalb der Übung wird das Design und die Implementierung einer Information Appliance vorgenommen. Die Implementierung der Information Appliance erfolgt auf Basis der Arduino Plattform. Die Plattform ist sehr einfach, insbesondere was die Nutzung von externer Hardware anbelangt. Tiefe Elektrotechnik-Kenntnisse werden nicht benötigt, Grundlagen aus dem Physik-Unterricht hingegen schon. Folgende Tutorials können dafür gehört werden:

Um die Hardware zu entwerfen können Sie Fritzing verwenden (Intro Video). Ebensogut geht aber auch Papier und Bleistift oder CAD-Software (z.B. Eagle).
Videos und Sketches finden sich auch im Übungs-Folder von ILIAS


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