Martin Alexander Neumann
Research and Teaching Assistant
mail: |
KIT Campus Sued – TECO
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Strasse 1 76131 Karlsruhe Germany |
email: | mneumann@teco.edu (PGP key and fingerprint) |
phone: | +49 (721) 608 417-07 |
website: | www.maneumann.net |
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Research Interests
- Dynamic Software Updates
- Data Analysis Systems
- 2015 – today
- SDI-X: Smart Data Innovation–Prozesse, Werkzeuge und Betriebskonzepte
- 2011 – 2014
- TIMBUS: Timeless Business
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Since winter term 2013/14
- Mobile Computing seminar (wt 2013/14, st 2014, wt 2014/15, st 2015, wt 2015/16, st 2016, wt 2016/17)
- Summer term 2013
- Introduction to computer networks exercises
- Winter term 2012/13
- Operating systems and system architecture exercises
- Since winter term 2012/13
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing seminar (wt 2012/13, st 2013, wt 2013/14, st 2014, wt 2014/15, st 2015, wt 2015/16, st 2016, wt 2016/17)
- Winter term 2011/12
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing laboratory (wt 2011/12, st 2014, st 2015)
- Since winter term 2011/12
- Software development projects (wt 2011/12, wt 2012/13, st 2014)
Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Since summer term 2012
- Compiler construction projects (st 2012, st 2013, st 2014, st 2015, st 2016)
Short Curriculum Vitae
- Since 2012
- Lecturer at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Since 2011
- Research and teaching assistant at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruhe, Germany)
- 2010 – 2011
- Student at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory (Rüschlikon, Switzerland)
- 2010 – 2011
- Student research assistant at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruhe, Germany)
- 2008 – 2010
- Student research assistant at University of Braunschweig – Institute of Technology (Braunschweig, Germany)
- 2008 – 2011
- Master of Science at University of Braunschweig – Institute of Technology (Braunschweig, Germany)
- 2005 – 2008
- Bachelor of Science at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperate State University (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Cooperate student at Hewlett-Packard (Ratingen, Germany; Sofia, Bulgaria; Houston, USA; Bristol, UK)
- 2002 – 2003
- Call Center Agent (CCA) for IT support at theBEEcompany (Peine, Germany)
Awards and Prizes
- January 2014
- Martin Alexander Neumann, Yong Ding and Georg Hackenberg
- Bet and Energy – Gamified Betting on Energy Use for Load Shifting and Energy Conservation
- A winner of SAP’s Utility of Tomorrow Innovation Contest
- International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
- Technical Program Committee
- International Workshop on Smart Sensing Systems (IWSSS)
- Technical Program Committee
- International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
- Technical Program Committee
- International Workshop on Smart Sensing Systems (IWSSS)
- Technical Program Committee
- International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
- Technical Program Committee
- International Workshop on Web Intelligence and Smart Sensing (IWWISS)
- Technical Program Committee
- International Workshop on Web Intelligence and Smart Sensing (IWWISS)
- Publication Chair
- July 2017 (full conference paper)
- Julio Borges, Martin Alexander Neumann, Christian Bauer, Yong Ding, Till Riedel, Michael Beigl
- Predicting Target Events In Industrial Domains, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition
- 13th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM)
- March 2017 (full conference paper)
- Martin Alexander Neumann, Christoph Tobias Bach, Yong Ding, Till Riedel and Michael Beigl
- Seamless and Timely Dynamic Software Updating of Smart Grid Components
- 2nd International Conference on Smart Grid Inspired Future Technologies (SmartGIFT), EAI
- November 2016 (workshop paper)
- Martin Alexander Neumann, Christoph Tobias Bach, Andrei Miclaus, Till Riedel and Michael Beigl
- Always-On Web of Things Infrastructure using Dynamic Software Updating
- 7th International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT), ACM
- November 2016 (workshop paper)
- Andrei Miclaus, Wolfgang Clauss, Eugen Schwert, Martin Alexander Neumann, Ferdinand Mütsch, Till Riedel, Fabian Schmidt and Michael Beigl
- Towards the Shop Floor App Ecosystem: Using the Semantic Web for Gluing Together Apps into Mashups
- 7th International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT), ACM
- November 2016 (short conference paper and poster)
- Martin Alexander Neumann
- Towards Practical Release-Level Dynamic Software Updating on Stock Java — Evaluating an Efficient and Safely Programmable Java Dynamic Updating System
- Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH), ACM SIGPLAN
- November 2016 (conference poster paper)
- Martin Alexander Neumann, Christoph Tobias Bach and Stefan Kratochwil
- libDSU: Towards Hot-Swapping Dynamically Linked Libraries on Stock Linux
- Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH), ACM SIGPLAN
- October 2016 (conference publication)
- Martin Alexander Neumann and Markus Scholz
- Best Practices for Data Analysis Projects
- 1st Smart Data Innovation Conference (SDIC2016)
- September 2016 (workshop presentation)
- Martin Alexander Neumann and Christoph Tobias Bach
- Lusagent: Dynamic Software Updating on Java
- 3rd Virtual Machine Meetup (VMM2016)
- October 2015 (conference paper)
- Yong Ding, Julio Borges, Martin Alexander Neumann and Michael Beigl
- Sequential Pattern Mining – A Study to Understand Daily Activity Patterns for Load Forecasting Enhancement
- 1st International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), IEEE
- October 2015 (conference paper)
- Yong Ding, Sozo Inoue, Martin Alexander Neumann, Erwin Stamm, Xincheng Pan and Michael Beigl
- A Personalized Load Forecasting Enhanced by Activity Information
- 1st International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), IEEE
- October 2014 (workshop paper)
- Yong Ding, Martin Alexander Neumann, Ömer Kehri, Geoff Ryder, Till Riedel and Michael Beigl
- From Load Forecasting to Demand Response – A Web of Things Use Case
- 5th International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT), ACM
- October 2013 (long conference paper)
- Yong Ding, Per Goncalves Da Silva, Martin Alexander Neumann, Lin Zhang, Michael Beigl
- A Control Loop Approach for Integrating The Future Decentralized Power Markets and Grids
- 4th International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, IEEE
- September 2013 (short conference paper)
- Anja Bachmann, Martin Alexander Neumann, Hossein Miri, Jose Barateiro, Goncalo Antunes and Artur Caetano
- Preservation and Redeployment of Sensor Acquisition Processes from a Dam Safety Information System
- 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, SciTePress
- September 2013 (workshop paper)
- Martin Alexander Neumann, Daniel Hassler, Yong Ding, Till Riedel and Michael Beigl
- Temporally-Relaxed Conditions for Activation of Services in the Web of Things
- 4th International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT), ACM
- August 2013 (workshop paper)
- Yong Ding, Martin Alexander Neumann, Per Goncalves Da Silva, Michael Beigl
- A Framework of Short-Term Activity-Aware Load Forecasting
- 2nd International Workshop on AI Problems and Approaches for Intelligent Environments (AI4IE), ACM
- October 2012 (long conference paper)
- Martin Alexander Neumann, Hossein Miri, John Thomson, Goncalo Antunes, Rudolf Mayer, Michael Beigl
- Towards a Decision Support Architecture for Digital Preservation of Business Processes
- 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES), iPRES
- October 2012 (long conference paper)
- Mykola Galushka, Philip Taylor, Wasif Gilani, John Thomson, Stephan Strodl, Martin Alexander Neumann
- Digital Preservation of Business Processes using the TIMBUS Architecture
- 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES), iPRES
- September 2012 (long conference paper)
- Rudolf Mayer, Andreas Rauber, Martin Alexander Neumann, John Thomson, Goncalo Antunes
- Preserving Scientific Processes from Design to Publications
- 16th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL), LNCS
- June 2012 (long conference paper and conference demo)
- Yong Ding, Martin Alexander Neumann, Dawud Gordon, Till Riedel, Takashi Miyaki, Michael Beigl, Wenzhu Zhang, Lin Zhang
- A Platform-as-a-Service for in-situ Development of Wireless Sensor Network Applications
- 9th International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS), IEEE
- March 2012 (short conference paper)
- Jose Barateiro, Daniel Draws, Martin Alexander Neumann, Stephan Strodl
- Digital Preservation Challenges on Software Life Cycle
- 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), IEEE
- December 2011 (long conference paper)
- Stephan Sigg, Predrag Jakimovski, Florian Becker, Hedda Schmidtke, Martin Alexander Neumann, Yusheng Ji, Michael Beigl
- Neuron-Inspired Collaborative Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks
- 8th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (MobiQuitous), LNICST
- September 2011 (short conference paper)
- Martin Alexander Neumann, Till Riedel, Philip Taylor, Hedda Schmidtke, Michael Beigl
- Monitoring for Digital Preservation of Processes
- 7th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT), LNAI
- June 2011 (conference demo)
- Dawud Gordon, Martin Alexander Neumann, Michael Beigl
- Program Your Reality with dinam-mite
- 9th International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive), LNCS
- June 2010 (short conference paper)
- Dawud Gordon, Michael Beigl, Martin Alexander Neumann
- dinam: A Wireless Sensor Network Concept and Platform for Rapid Development
- 7th International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS), IEEE
- February 2009 (corporate journal paper)
- Serdar Cabuk, Chris I. Dalton, Aled Edwards, Anna Fischer, Martin Alexander Neumann
- Secure Network Virtualization for a Service Utility Platform
- HP Labs TechReports
- Winter term 2015/16
- Christoph Bach (master project), Comparing Resulting State of Dynamic and Conventional Updates to Support Development of State Transformers in Dynamic Software Updating
- Stefan Kratochwil (master thesis), Unrestricted Dynamic Updating of binary-compatible dynamically-linked Libraries in Generic Linux Programs by Scanning and Patching of Direct Pointers
- Summer term 2015
- Julio Borges (master thesis), An Efficient and Robust Approach for Sequence Mining in Eventlogs of Industrial Production Processes
- Giullian Franke (master project), Programming Efforts of Developing State Transformers for Dynamic Software Updates in Java
- Winter term 2014/15
- Marcel Kost (bachelor thesis), Zero-Overhead Dynamic Hot Fixing of Shared Libraries under Linux
- Jannik Quehl (master thesis), Low-Disruptive Updates in Distributed Streaming Systems on the Basis of Dynamic Software Updating
- Summer term 2014
- Philipp Adolf (bachelor thesis), Dynamic Updates for Java Programs That Leave No Evidence
- Christoph Bach (bachelor thesis), Integrating the Java Tool Interface into Dynamic Updates for Java Programs
- Michael Jacoby (master thesis), Enabling Domain-Specific Rule-Based Automation With Semantic Stream Technology
- Alina Saalfeld (bachelor thesis), Identification of TCP Proxies and Load Balancers using Patterns in TCP Connection Handling
- Winter term 2013/14
- Sebastian Höninger (master thesis), Towards Adaptive Prediction of Safe States for Software Updates under Unknown Workloads
- Pierre Barbera (master project), Estimating Execution Time of Local Dynamic Software Updates based on Static and Dynamic Program Analysis
- Summer term 2013
- Daniel Hassler (bachelor thesis), Development and Deployment of Contextualized Apps in Smart Environments
- Summer term 2015
- Lukas Hofmann (bachelor), Efficient Dynamic Software Updates in Java
- Winter term 2014/15
- Thomas Kadow (bachelor), Lazy Dynamic Software Updates in Java
- Summer term 2014
- Kenan Ibrahimov (bachelor), Process Mining — Determining Structure of Distributed Behaviour
- Marcel Kost (bachelor), An Overview of Dynamic Software Updates
- Tobias Schwarz (bachelor), An Overview of Dynamic Software Updates
- Winter term 2013/14
- Alina Saalfeld (bachelor), Service Dependency Discovery in the Web
- Summer term 2013
- Yan Bi (master), Modeling Dynamics of Cyber-Physical Systems
- Jannik Quehl (master), Development of Context-Aware Applications
- Michael Jacoby (master), Middleware for Context-Aware Applications
- Winter term 2012/13
- Sebastian Höninger (master), Software Update Mechanisms for Cyber-Physical Systems
Student assistants
- Since summer term 2016
- Andreas Pusch
- Since winter term 2014/15
- Christoph Bach
- Since summer term 2011
- Florian Schandinat
- Past
- Alex Abraham, Philipp Adolf, Pierre Barbera, Alisa Jung, Nikolai Hartmann, Daniel Hassler, Christoph Klebsattel, Marvin Marx, Patrick Merz, Alina Saalfeld, Simon Röhrl, Michael Schöffler