The world is increasingly being “technified”, yet many people can’t use modern ICT due to Disability, (Digital) Illiteracy, or Aging: We don’t have solutions for all. It’s too expensive for many. People don’t know what exists that would help them. Access to ONE device is no longer sufficient: access to all encountered devices is needed… more…
Digital Preservation (DP) is traditionally understood as the management of digital information over time. The digital preservation problem is well-understood for query-centric information scenarios but has been less explored for scenarios where the important digital information to be preserved is the execution context within which data is processed, analysed, transformed and rendered. A primary motivation more…
Chosen: Cooperative Hybrid Objects Sensor Networks. Chosen researches, develops and applies a ultra-low power standard chipset for wireless sensor nodes that will be SOA/Web2.0 enabled. The sensor node will have features as wake-up-on-radio pattern and will integrate directly into Web 2.0 applications. Applications areas cover automotive and avionics. TU Braunschweig leads the middleware and system/integration more…