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 Stefan Gessler
  Who am I ?
Stefans portrait
I got my diploma degree in computer science at the end of 1992. Since 1993 i'm employed as research assistant at the Institut für Telematik (institute of telematics) at the U Karlsruhe in Germany. Here i'm member of the Telecooperation Office (TecO), a technology transfer center jointly founded by DEC and Karlsruhe University.

  What am I doing at TecO ?
  Together with Digital Equipment Corp.'s CEC (DEC's Campus-based Engineering Center) i was involved in the development of the Berkom Multi-Media Mail Teleservice MMM. When TecO was assigned to share in the Berkom (a subdivision of Deutsche Telekom) project MMI, my job turned into (co)managing and (co)executing this project. Furtheron i initiated the Web Center of Competence and coordinated several industrial Web projects (with, e.g., SAP AG, Daimler Benz AG, etc). Finally as founder of the PDA Group (at the beginning as first and lonely participiant) i had to coordinate and perform upcomming PDA activities, which are mainly based on my Webbrowser for the Apple Newton PDA. Actually i'm primarily finishing my dissertation, in addition i'm consulting the Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg (Ministry of State) and several administrative authorities in terms of internet technology. Furtheron i adopted supervision for the internet services for the Landesregierung (state government) to reorganize them and push developement of new services.
  Research Interest
  My research interest is the ambit of ubiquitous computing. Within this area i'm evolving the scope of computing with dedicated mobile devices like PDAs. I am investigating the integration of these devices into everydays computerbased exchange of information. Within this framework the first Webbrowser for the Apple Newton accrued, the grain for one of the most important branch of the TecO. A list of publications ist availabe here.

Any questions? Feel free to contact.

Last modified on June 25 1997
by stefan@teco.uni-karlsruhe.de.
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