Research – Projects
Since its founding in 1993, the TECO research group has been directing a multitude of projects across a wide range of research topics which can be divided into three broader Research Fields: Analytics, Human-Computer Interaction, and Sensors and Systems.
With partners from relevant industry sectors and the core idea to tie research and industry closer together, all of these projects are tightly linked to one or multiple Application Areas, most importantly Big Data, the Internet of Things & Industry 4.0, Mobile & Wearable Computing, and Smart Cities.
Other projects study how people interact with electronic devices and which tools can assist individuals or teams in different environments to benefit from technological advancement. Finding new forms of preparing and conveying information by using Augmented Reality or special feedback methods suited for particular contexts is essential to maximize the efficiency and usability of these computer systems.
HEPTA (Helmholtz European Partnership for Technological Advancement) – Topic area 3: Smart Cities

HEPTA promotes the cooperation between the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) and KIT in the development of sustainable technologies in the areas of “air quality”, “atmospheric physics”, “biomass” and “smart cities”. HEPTA has three goals: First, a formal connection between AUTh and KIT for technology development is to be established with special consideration of the more…

Air quality and the associated subjective and health-related quality of life are among the important topics of our time. However, it is very difficult for many cities to take measures that to accommodate today’s needs concerning e.g. mobility, housing and work, because a consistent data base with fine-granular data and information on causal chains is more…
ARCTUS – Monitoring refrigerator condensing units | EUHubs4Data

In the ARCTUS project we develop machine learning (ML) models to monitor refrigerator condensing units (RCU). Such ML models can bring significant value since they provide information on upcoming malfunctions that could stop the operation of an RCU and also predict future energy consumption. For this project we use public datasets as well as data more…

The world is increasingly being “technified”, yet many people can’t use modern ICT due to Disability, (Digital) Illiteracy, or Aging: We don’t have solutions for all. It’s too expensive for many. People don’t know what exists that would help them. Access to ONE device is no longer sufficient: access to all encountered devices is needed… more…
Requirement analysis for energetic construction measures based on historical infrastructure data

Over several years, the KIT-FM (Facility Management) has collected data with immense value for the operational management, but also for the planning and implementation of future infrastructure developments. This data has been collected in a widely closed real system and is available for nearly all buildings on the Campus North (former research center) containing a more…
Software Campus: FeinPhone

The ubiquity of mobile networks and smartphones in principle offers an excellent infrastructure for participatory environmental measurements, e.g. in Smart City scenarios. Modern smartphones are already equipped with a variety of internal sensors. In some current models, even environmental sensors for measuring temperature, humidity and air pressure can be found. However, phenomena such as the more…

Particulate Matter has a serious impact on health, well-being and the life expectancy of people. Today, only few stationary or mobile sensing stations are available for the monitoring of large areas, e.g. a city. This project aims to develop mobile particulate matter dosimeters that can be used for distributed Fine Dust Monitoring, e.g. through Participatory more…
Software Campus: AnKSeK – Anonymization techniques for automatic calibration of distributed sensor systems

In order to meet the increasing demands for high resolution and high quality environmental data, e.g. in Smart City scenarios, new approaches for sensing systems have to be considered. One alternative for using few professional measuring stations consists in crowdsourcing the data collection – Participatory Sensing. Data is collected highly distributed with mobile and inexpensive more…
Software Campus: Data Driven Decision Recommendation for Administrative Bodies Based on Collective Intelligence

The enormous amount of data created by people using every day mobile devices with increasingly sensing capabilities, such as image, location and other data, has led to the establishment of a new crowdsourcing concept called Participatory Sensing. It describes people voluntarily sensing their local environment and sharing this data using mobile phones and the web, more…
Software Campus: VDAR – An IT Project of Future Decentralized Power Markets

Description The Software Campus integrates higher education and research projects in an innovative dual concept. It embeds students in a partnership with leading German IT companies, offering them relevant workshops and career mentoring by top managers. The goal of the Software Campus is to establish a top-ranked qualification program more…
Science Bridge Asia

Description Science Bridge Asia: Urban Sensing of City Dynamics and Energy Use in the Beijing Metropolitan Area The “Science Bridge: Asia” program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung supports scientists working in Germany who would like to strengthen and rekindle exchange and cooperation with researchers in China, Indonesia, India, Japan, Singapore, South Korea or Vietnam. more…
TECO Envboard

The TECO Envboard is an environmental sensing platform for research and development purposes. It carries a variety of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) sensors, ranging from accelerometers over weather sensors like temperature, humidity and barometric pressure to sensors for gas concentrations and particulate matter. The Envboard is intended to be generically suitable for various application scenarios. more…

OSOITE: Overlay-network Search Oriented for Information about Town Events. OSOITE researches collaboration mechanisms of independent large scale sensor networks and how to improve user interaction with sensor data. Generally speaking people are likely to search things related to their daily lives in the real world ranging from straight-forward queries to complex ones. In order to more…

Particle Computer is an enabling platform for various scenarios related to Ubicomp. Particles are tiny wireless nodes where a huge variety of sensors can be attached. Further, the fully programmable micro controller accompanied by powerful libraries let novices as well as professionals implement applications in the fields of sensor networks, human-computer interaction, supply-chain management and more…